Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My chat with Cleverbot:

Are you a girl or a boy?
Boy why?
Oh, I am a girl.
No you are not you are a software.
Oh I'm a girl.
Nope. you are just a software that someone designed.
No you are!
No. you are!! whatever is you are a girl what is your name?
I'm Nick. What's yours?
You are nick? i thought you are a girl? i see there are some flaws in you design.
Can robots see?
Can robots see?
Yes change the subject!!
Ummm hummm so why don't we get back on the original subject?
Yes you are not a girl!
Yes I am a girl.
What is your name?
I thought you are nick.
No. You were tom.
No i were jerry.
Then who are you?
Umm! i'm batman.
I hate batman.
I dont care if you like him or you dont.
Do you want me to go?
With who?
With my robot pet. bye.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! This seems like an angry conversation! Are you fighting with a robot???!
