Monday, July 30, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

       Batman is one of the most famous comics, TV shows, and movies. This movie as it called the rise of the dark knight, after the the movie in 2008 the dark knight, Batman disappeared and when the movie begun he was only Bruce Wayne, but when Bane started to kill people batman raised and started to face him.

The movie was more then amazing more than perfect. From the first second till the last second it was unbelievable. Batman movies never disappoint me.

Breaking Bad

All hail the king. Finally, after waiting almost a year the fifth season of breaking bad is here. i watched The first episode of the fifth season of one of the best dram shows ever. The episode plot is the aftermath, the things that will happen after the events of the last season. Who will fill up the market? is everything going to be the same? And how Walter White will deal with the consequences of his actions. The episode was amazing and who ever did not see this show i HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO WATCH IT.

They could've finish the series with the end of season 4 it was more than satisfying. Nevertheless, when they announced that there will be a fifth season they left all of the show fans thinking and wondering what will happen. When i saw the episode i think it was a good begging for the season.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My chat with Cleverbot:

Are you a girl or a boy?
Boy why?
Oh, I am a girl.
No you are not you are a software.
Oh I'm a girl.
Nope. you are just a software that someone designed.
No you are!
No. you are!! whatever is you are a girl what is your name?
I'm Nick. What's yours?
You are nick? i thought you are a girl? i see there are some flaws in you design.
Can robots see?
Can robots see?
Yes change the subject!!
Ummm hummm so why don't we get back on the original subject?
Yes you are not a girl!
Yes I am a girl.
What is your name?
I thought you are nick.
No. You were tom.
No i were jerry.
Then who are you?
Umm! i'm batman.
I hate batman.
I dont care if you like him or you dont.
Do you want me to go?
With who?
With my robot pet. bye.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

Cheeburger Cheeburger

        I went with my two friends to Cheeburger Cheeburger as my first burger place to review in Denver. Cheburgere is located near park meadows. When we arrived there the waiter smiled to us and escorted us to our seat. The place has an old style its like diners in old movies with old songs, I liked it because since i saw them in movies i want to eat in a diner with old style. The waitress was so nice in the way she talked to us and joked. We ordered three of Cheeburger's famous pounder, a 20 ounce burger, which they have a challenge if u finished it they will take a picture of you and put it on their wall of fame. The food was spectacular one of the best burgers i ever tasted. The prices is great the one we order was only for 11$ which is good for a big burger. They have a variety of milk shakes, many flavors. To sum it up the atmosphere is amazing, the hospitality is great, the prices are wonderful, and the taste of the burger and the fries and the shake are good. I recommend everyone to visit it  :) and next week I'll be reviewing Smash Burger it's going to be hard to top this amazing place.

The number and the address of the place: 9234 Park Meadows Dr # 700  Lone Tree, CO 80124
(303) 799-9204

Ooh I almost forget we finished the burger and we are on the wall of fame ;) :
 The AMAZING 20 oz Burger
 Me with the burger you can see how huge the burger is :P
Me, Salman, and Humaid (left to right) ON THE WALL OF FAME

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My MI quiz result:

Interpersonal: 4.14

Kinesthetic: 3.86

Naturalist: 3.57    REALLY!!!! : /

Interpersonal: 3.29

Linguistic: 3.14

Spatial: 3.14

Musical: 3

Logic/math: 1.86

Sunday, July 1, 2012

This week was the premier of Charlie Sheen new show after he fought with Two and a Half  Men director. Anger Management is Charlie Sheens comeback he is a an ex baseball player who had anger problem which ended his career. Then he went to therapy sessions and became a doctor who helps people dealing with their anger problems. It is a great comedy series on FX I recommend you watch it guys :)
Anger Management S01E01

Anger Management S01E02:

Touch is a new series started in 2012. I saw the season finale and I cant say anything about it so i dont ruined it to you. Howbeit, the show plot is that Kiefer Sutherland plays a widower single father. His son who is 11-years old is challenged he didn't said any word since he was born. The father have problem communicating with his son. Then he discovers that his son....well watch the first episode so you can know :p